Congregation Lev Shalom is a friendly and warm Jewish congregation in the heart of Flagstaff, Arizona providing religious services, Jewish education, and a welcoming community for both children and adults. It is our belief and hope that all people, everywhere, regardless of who they are and what they believe should enjoy the same rights, privileges, and freedoms.
We are an egalitarian congregation that is aligned with the Union for Reform Judaism, and are
open to all who wish to join our community. We work for social and environmental justice for all.

It is our hope that through dynamic engagement, innovation and continuous assessment, the joy of Jewish education becomes compassionately embedded in the fabric of each child’s life. As we imbue our students with enhanced Jewish knowledge and skills and as they grow in courage and confidence, the next generation of Jewish community leaders will emerge.

Whether you are a familiar face in our congregation, or are worshiping with us for the first time, our goal as a community is to create a warm and welcoming environment as well as a place where we foster a loving sense of connection to our tradition. The siddur (prayer book) used at Congregation Lev Shalom is Mishkan T’filah. All prayers include transliteration so those who do not read Hebrew can join in our prayers.