Congregation Lev Shalom, Flagstaff’s only egalitarian Jewish congregation, is committed to meeting the wide range of religious needs of all who live in, visit, or vacation in the area. Our Synagogue provides a warm, welcoming center for Jewish life in Northern Arizona.
We are a small and diverse community. Our members have been raised in and are drawn toward virtually all traditions of Jewish worship. While many of us live in traditional Jewish homes and continue practices of the larger Jewish communities from which we came, many others are products of, or partners in mixed marriages and relationships and have developed additional patterns of observance. Affiliated with the Reform tradition, our services — lay-led and Rabbinical — are intentionally inclusive. We provide religious school instruction for the young, preparation for Bar/Bat Mitzvah, adult education programs, support with life-cycle events, holiday observance, social gatherings, and a Jewish cemetery.
Congregation Lev Shalom is recognized as the heart of a vibrant and inclusive Jewish
community in Flagstaff and Northern Arizona.
Congregation Lev Shalom is a Reform Jewish congregation dedicated to Jewish values of inspirational Worship, Lifelong Learning and Social Responsibility.
Our congregants are our greatest resource. We are proud of the intelligence, knowledge, and goodwill they bring to our community, services and programs. All individuals, whether members or not, are welcome to all synagogue functions.
In the early 1970’s, much like now, Jewish travelers visiting Flagstaff hoped to meet other Jews. Some just hoped for Jewish connections. Some needed a minyan to observe a yahrzeit. In the winter of 1972/73, six local residents decided to meet those needs more formally. They took an important next step and began planning a synagogue. It would be called Heichal Baoranim (Sanctuary in the Pines).Those visionaries were Rhoda and Merrill Abeshaus, Hilda (z’l). and Ray Berman (z’l)., and Sharon and Lenny Ritt. At first they met at their homes, creating services by copying pages from the daily prayer book Rhoda had. The first High Holy Day services were held in September 1973. Twenty people attended the first day, with a few less the second day. The beloved Phoenix Rabbi Albert Plotkin (z’l). loaned a Torah. With foresight, Rhoda’s father ordered a dozen tallitot (prayer shawls). Soon afterwards, the Feldstein family moved to Flagstaff. In addition to two more Jewish adults (Judy and Murray), the community now totaled 10 children. They began a regular religious school on Sunday mornings. In search of possible additional families, the Abeshauses searched the telephone book for Jewish names (they remembered some “rather comical” conversations as they did so). As time passed, they rotated having services in different homes. The hosting family would provide the oneg and conduct services – learning along the way. Eventually, a few Silverman (Conservative) prayerbooks were donated. The founders bought more, and also bought machzorim for the High Holy Days. Others began hosting the growing group. When private homes became too small for the High Holy Days, the fledgling group would use other venues (e.g., the basement of Little America and the Unitarian Church and Flagstaff Federated Community Church for Passover seders). Federated was especially gracious about letting the congregation use its mimeograph machines, tables, and chairs. Seders continued at Federated for decades. The congregation moved into its current location in 1990. Ray Berman led High Holy Day services early on. Then the congregation had student rabbis come for monthly or bi-monthly services, rotating with a Conservative student rabbi one year and then a Reform student rabbi the next year. Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, who commuted from Tucson on a regular basis, was the first rabbi engaged by the congregation, followed by Rabbi William Berkowitz, who commuted from Sedona. After his departure, the congregation, once again engaged student rabbis. One such student rabbi from the Academy for Jewish Religion – California (AJRCA), Nina Perlmutter, was engaged in 2008. Upon her ordination in 2009, she was engaged as the congregation’s permanent part-time rabbi, commuting at least twice a month from her home in Prescott (and later, Chino Valley). Unfortunately, for health reasons Rabbi Perlmutter had to step down in early 2015. In the fall of 2015 through July of 2019, Rabbi Mindie Snyder, also ordained at the AJRCA, became our spiritual leader – the first to live full-time in Flagstaff - but has since moved on. Rabbi Emerita Perlmutter continues to serve the congregation on an as-needed basis. The congregation became affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) in 1983. In 2016, the members of the congregation voted to change its name to Congregation Lev Shalom (Heart of Peace). We are proud to continue to be the community’s egalitarian Jewish congregation.
From our Board of Trustees, our Clergy and Lay leaders, to Teachers in our Jewish Education Program, click to learn more about the amazing individuals leading this community
Our Board of Trustees consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Members at Large
At Congregation Lev Shalom, we have a part-time Rabbi and many wonderful Lay Leaders dedicated to providing meaningful Jewish Services (Shabbat and Holidays)
Rabbi Abraham Jonathan Heschel captured the importance of teachers, especially those of young children, when he said, “What we need, more than anything else, isn’t textbooks but rather text people. It is the personality of the teacher which is the text that students read – the text that they’ll never forget.”